levain question


I'm using a levain recipe that calls for 60g/60g/60g starter, h2o, flour.  I halved that amount to minimize waste and I'm wondering if the 12 hr. time should be halved as well. Does quantity change the fermentation time? I'm not getting alot of action in after 3 days - some but not a lot, and I've been giving it 12 hr. fermentations.  Thanks!

In my experience not, at least not with such small amounts.

Are you trying to build a sourdough starter or is it just for making bread?

Thanks for your reply. I'm building the starter. In the past I've built a firm sourdough (Glezer recipe) and it was a bubblefest by now. this one I'm finding a bit puzzling. It's active, but not that active, and maybe a bit stubborn.