Normally I make half recipes of bread and bake often, but for some reason I decided to make a full recipe today and it's far more bread than I can or should eat before it stales.
My plan is to make bread bowls for a chowder later, between 4-6 of them, or maybe 2 bowls and a couple small baguettes or batards, but what i'd prefer to do is just divide the dough and freeze it to shape as i wish later.
What are your suggestions? How long will it keep in the freezer?
I peeked around in a search but mostly people talked about freezing already baked bread but i want to freeze the dough and then thawi it out and shape before baking.
also i don't know the hydration thing, except this batch is pretty slack > i don't know if i could tell you a hydration percentage tho. i didn't knead as much and am letting proof overnight in a cold oven in a dough bucket.
it depends in the dough. Most dough can be frozen for about a month to six weeks but it would be better if you alow the dough only one rise and then shape the loafs.
the shape loafs can then be wraped in plastic and frozen. if you can set your frezzer to the coldest setting so the bread will frezz fast (the faster the better. try to keep some air space around the bread during this time to make sure that it will frezz as fast as possible.
thaw the shaped loaf in the fridg for the best results but if you are in a hurry you can go from the frezzer to room temp. proof and bake as normal