
Namaste from Nepal. 

I would really like to know if there is marked difference regarding 

a) length of final proof

b) levels of sourness in bread

depending on level of activity you incorporate your stater into the dough. I have read somewhere that using a young starter will decrease the level of sourness and also increase fermentation time. Does using an overripe starter then increase sourness but also reduce fermentation time as yeast numbers are higher? this last comment seems a little counterintuitive as less fermentation should allow of less buildup of sourness?? confusing...

I would also like to know how long in general terms is your window for using your starter at optimal levels for consistent baking results.

Finally what is the earliest stage you can use your starter? Is it absolutely necessary to pass the float test in order to be considered a superior starter. I have managed to make many loaves of bread to date with a fairly decent starter that doesn't float.  Apologies if my questions are unclear! 

I really appreciate the information on this Forum from everyone. Like many I've become addicted to baking bread and learning more about it.

The questions that were asked above are things I've been wondering as well in regards to the starter and sourness. I like a bread that has very little sourness to it. I usually use my starter when it is young, maybe 2 or 3 hours after a feed but I don't know how this effects the process as a whole.  

Can someone please add some comments on some of the questions from the first post above. I'm still working full time as an essential employee and I don't have a lot of time during the day to scroll through the links.
