upload woes

Profile picture for user Bred Maverick

Woe is me! I cannot upload a photograph from my iPad. I have been able to upload photographs in the past. This is what I do:

  1. Click on upload
  2. select choose file
  3. select photo library
  4. select and check off photo
  5. choose image size (I have tried actual and smaller)

And now the problem: The drop-down window for choose image size does NOT go away after I choose an image size. It blocks further action.

So I cannot click anything to complete the uploading photo protocol

It’s so much easier to bake bread than to wrangle with technology!





Do everything as written, then choose image size>Click Recent > Click Done > Click Upload > Click Insert

Works for me on iPad.

you rotate the iPad ?     I often have to crop the picture to make it shorter, then select the picture and download it.  Then I turn the iPad so it is tall and I can just reach the select button when the window drops down.  If not I have to select an option like photo left to get the window to scroll down.  Doesn't always work.