Woe is me! I cannot upload a photograph from my iPad. I have been able to upload photographs in the past. This is what I do:
- Click on upload
- select choose file
- select photo library
- select and check off photo
- choose image size (I have tried actual and smaller)
And now the problem: The drop-down window for choose image size does NOT go away after I choose an image size. It blocks further action.
So I cannot click anything to complete the uploading photo protocol
It’s so much easier to bake bread than to wrangle with technology!
Do everything as written, then choose image size>Click Recent > Click Done > Click Upload > Click Insert
Works for me on iPad.
I cannot click anything. There is no “recent”. The drop-down window literally covers all the words underneath.
you rotate the iPad ? I often have to crop the picture to make it shorter, then select the picture and download it. Then I turn the iPad so it is tall and I can just reach the select button when the window drops down. If not I have to select an option like photo left to get the window to scroll down. Doesn't always work.
got it. works :-)
got it. works :-)