How come my sourdough starter isn’t sour?

Profile picture for user donnnaaai

Hello! I’ve started my sourdough journey not long ago. I have started my stater on 25/10/19, I have two starters, one is rye one is white/wheat, both aren’t sour. They made my breads rose tho. Any idea why they aren’t sour?

1.  Your starter isn't mature yet.  The internal balancing act is not complete yet, being less than 3 weeks old.

2. How you store and feed your starter in terms of its temperature when you feed it, the temp of the water and flour you feed it, its tempersture when you let it grow right after the feeding, all have a factor in the acid balance.

3. There are many different types and combinations of lactic acid bacteria and wild yeasts, and they have different behavior and flavor characteristics.  For instance, the starter I use does not impart a tangy/sour taste to bread.

How did you start/create your starter?  Did you start from scratch?  Did you use a commercial or someone else's dehydrated culture?

I previously used a starter culture from "Cultures for Health" which had a nice tang to it.  I bought it on Amazon, it was their "Whole Wheat Sourdough Starter."  I think I'm going to switch back to it.

A lot of people recommend refrigerating dough overnight (or longer) after final shaping to get more sourness. If the starter itself doesn't get sour, then you're probably feeding it too much.