T65 for Levain


 Hi - I just found this forum!!

Question about what kind of flour to use for Levain.  I am new to this forum and somewhat new to bread making... I usually start my levain with 50/50 AP & Wheat -  but have never used French T65. 

I just received some Tradition Française CRC T65 (Traditional French T65) Bread Flour - Red Label, Bagatelle.  Should I substitute the T65 for the AP or the wheat - or just use all T65? 

I don't want to waste it as it was somewhat expensive with shipping to the US - about $10 for 1Kg (not complaining about the price - as I know it will be delicious).

Thanks for any help!!




It won't make a difference in your levain. At that price, save it for the main portion of your white wheat flour you'd use in your recipe. 

That price give me palpitations...I pay around $1 per kg for this same flour.

Keep feeding what you want for general maintenance. Then, when you are ready to bake with it, you can use the t65 to feed it and use in the bread.

Thank you!!  I am in Washington State and shipping was $7 per kilo.

T65 should work better than T50/55 because it has more 'good' parts. 

French flour is sometimes not pure and has additives, like malt and enzymes etc. No idea if or how will that effect your sourdough. I have both, but use it just for baking. Sourdough I do with rye only.