First Sourdough... I'll take it :)

Profile picture for user sdamer59

Thought I'd share my first sourdough since many in the forum helped me successfully get through building my starter.

I followed Kristen's methods @ You Tube - Full Proof Baking on making the starter (although that got derailed a bit) and making the basic open crumb sourdough.  (If you have not watched Kristen's videos, I highly recommend!)

Overall, I'm satisfied with first attempt.  Thanks all for the help with my starter!

Profile picture for user ifs201

That's so terrific especially for your first loaf!! I've yet to achieve a crumb like that.

Thank You!  I was rather surprised.  I did not expect it to turn out as good as it looks.  I think beginners luck.  Now the question will be can I do it again as well as improve?  I definitely think working through all my starter challenges and not giving up on it paid off.

That really is a super first loaf of sourdough, you should be pleased.  I’m not sure any of mine have been so good yet.


Thanks Benny...  hoping this was not just beginners luck.  Now the fun begins...  keeping my starter going, doing it again... and improving the texture.


Don’t you dare change a thing! Try to recreate this very loaf again and again. Because it looks darn near perfect in texture , crumb, crust, everything. You are very, very, lucky to have had such success. Don’t tinker with it till you know you can recreate it if your tinkering goes south.

Trust me on this. You don’t want to have hit on the magic formula, then lose it and spend weeks trying to get it back again ;-)

Looks amazing! Congratulations!
Don't be upset when your sourdough mocks you - it happens, just keep practicing! 

Thanks!  I guess the good thing is at least I know it's now possible.  Now the fun begins... hopefully fun and not frustration.  Thanks again!


just love the crumb, no improvement required.

the fun starts when you want to replicate it!

well done 


Thank You Leslie!  I was so surprised with this loaf after all the concerns I had working on my starter.  You are right... now the fun begins.  Fingers crossed!


Profile picture for user Filomatic

That couldn't be better.  Well done!  Amazing crumb, and excellent oven spring.  A nice, bold bake, too.  It looks perfectly proofed.

Thanks Filomatic!  I am pleased but mostly surprised with how it turned out based on concerns with my starter.  Thanks for the encouragement!  Now to see if I can replicate.  Fingers crossed!
