Hefty FWSY Biga with Sourdough Instead of Yeast


Hi all!

I recently obtained FWSY from a fellow baking friend of mine, as a means of consolidating all the useful baking techniques that I had previously relied upon YouTube videos to maintain, and I saw a few posts around here that mention making pre-ferments (à la Poolish, Biga) while using a sourdough starter instead of small amounts of yeast.

Thusly, I thought I might try Ken Forkish's White Bread with 80% Biga, creating the biga using about a tablespoon of starter instead of the ~0.5 g of instant dried yeast.

My goal is to create that real strong gluten and gas development as one might attain from a normal biga, but with the added benefit of those complex sourdough funky flavors.

So here is my question:

Will the yeast from the starter in the biga create enough leavening strength for the dough to rise at a baseline rate (2-3 hours)? Or will it go too slowly if I don't add the 2g additional instant yeast?

I just mixed the biga so it won't be time-sensitive until about 16-18 hours from now, so no rush.

I will post an update with the crumbshot once the bread is baked.