Is this an unusual way to make sourdough?

Profile picture for user Trinity23

Many years ago my Mother gave me a portion of her sourdough bread dough, told me to keep it for a week and then use it to make my bread. I would then keep the same sized portion of my own dough for the following week, no actual starter.She told me this was how her Mother made it in Germany and it worked. She got her dough from a friend.Obviously i don't know anyone that I can get a chunk of dough from.

Years on I would like to make this again, I have found some gluten free recipes I'd like to try but I don't know where t start.I can't recall what quantity I was using, I have no idea if this works for gluten free? All of the sourdough recipes I have found seem to be tedious.



Historically, this was a common way to maintain a starter. Bakers would use a piece of dough dough from the previous day to raise their doughs. I’m sure someone, somewhere is still doing it this way though.

Sourdough bread recipes do not need to be tedious. In fact, I think a tedious sourdough recipe sounds like one that has lost the spirit of baking bread.

Weekend Bakery has a simple sourdough that’s almost fool proof as well as well written advice for beginners (though I think the pineapple starter method on this site is more of a sure thing):

There are many good recipes on the Wild Yeast Blog. The Norwich Sourdough recipe is also easy and you don’t necessarily have to use a couche, as the author does:

I’m not gluten intolerant so I haven’t tried to make breads from gluten free meals. To me, this could be tedious as nothing is going to behave the same has a strong wheat flour. It would feel entirely alien to me.

One thing that has been noted by some individuals is that they can tolerate heirloom wheat flours better than wheats from monoculture farming practices. Perhaps their systems have sensitized to a few kinds of mass produced wheats, but are not sensitized to the components of various wheats that our ancestors consumed. It may be worth seeking out heirloom/heritage grains in your area.


Thank you so much for all of the information. I am going to have a look because I am just busting to make bread again.

We started eating spelt ( ancient wheat) about 15 years ago, the thing is, it's still wheat, we are entirely off it now, several family members are allergic not just intolerant.

I am very familiar with heavy breads lol. It's just so common in gluten free but if I can find the starter I think I can make it pretty good :D

My favourite bread at the moment is rice bread, it makes crunchy toast! But yes, a somewhat normal loaf for the kids would be super nice.

Thanks again

for some ideas

here is one:

There are various non wheat starters. Often a rye starter will be used or converted to a gluten free starter if rye is tolerated.  A rye starter can be made from scratch and takes about a week to two weeks to get it up and working. It can easily be fed and maintained per family tradition, saving a dough ball to use in the next loaf. Also known as "old dough" or "pate fermente."