Hi, wondering if anyone can help me. My levain was ripe at 1am. I mixed a Vermont sourdough and a SD seed bread (Hamelman’s). I didn’t stay up to S&F either of them - which I probably should have. Have taken out of the fridge & put in my prover at 24C for about 4 hours. I think the Vermont is starting to look ok. The Seed bread is like a brick. My questions
Do I continue onto the S&F as the recipe says? (Just pretend the cold BF didn’t happen). Or do I need to just wait and shape/bake?
As for the seed loaf anyway of adding a bit more hydration to it? Do I wait to see if giving it more warmth/time? Call it a day and learn from experience (feed the birds) ?
Dough was is fridge from 1.30am until 7.20am.