Sourdough with no rise

Profile picture for user Lemonie

This is my 4th starter attempt and am not sure how its going.  I have made a pineapple starter as my last 3 went bad.  I have done the 7 days but decided to keep it going another 2 weeks out of the fridge to strengthen it as recommended.  Every day I take it down to 1/4 cup and feed it the 1/4 cup of water and 1/4 cup of flour.  

A couple of days ago it started producing hooch so I threw in an extra feed.  After feeding it bubbles away nicely but it hasn't changed since I first mixed it.  It is still a smooth paste and hasn't risen at all.  I've seen starters looking very thick with an open structure and wonder what I'm doing wrong?  Should I attempt a lot with it?

Is always equal amounts of flour and water by weight!

  • 1/4 cup water is 59g
  • 1/4 cup is about 31g

So your starter is about 190% hydration.

Next feed keep 58g of starter. Then do the following feed...

  • Starter 58g (38g water + 20g flour)
  • Water 22g
  • Flour 40g

Now you should have 120g of 100% hydrated starter. It'll be thicker and you should see a rise with bigger bubbles. don't feed your starter again till you see activity. See how quickly it responds and how much it rises over 12 hours after feeding.

P.s. Question... You say it bubbles away after feeding and it's been active for two weeks. After the last feed did you see any activity at all? Did it still bubble away but had no rise? Can you post a photo?

I was wondering about the weight as I measured a cup the first time and then just did weights after that.  Have been doing 65g of starter, 60g of water and 40g of flour.  I wondered how it could be a 100% hydration.  It was one I fgound on here so didn't question it.  Will correct it tonight then continue with weight.

Thanks :)

So you have been doing by weight.

And your weight measurements have been...

  • 65g starter
  • 60g water
  • 40g flour

So after working out the hydration with these weights it comes to 150% hydration. Not as much as 190% but still very hydrated to limit rise.

Taking this into account let's re-work the next feed.

  • 50g starter (30g water + 20g flour)
  • 40g water
  • 50g flour

will now be 100% hydration and hopefully will rise more. If all goes well then we will re-think the next feed.

How does your starter look now and how long since the last feed?

It was fed first thing this morning and looks like this ...  It seems very happy.  Sorry it's not clearer but my phone is playing up on focusing.



a little and then fallen and it's now got lots of small bubbles. I think with it thickened up you should see more activity. This is typical of being overly hydrated.

Feed again on schedule as above then see what it does.

hello, Lemonchello.

I am so sorry but I can not rap my head around a starter, treated right that will not do the right thing. Here is what I am proposing. Send me a self addressed envelope with enough postage to get say 3oz from 10003 to your location. I will send you a dried starter that I am told goes back to the 1800's. Can you say Sourdough Jack? It will be my pleasure to pay it forward and return a favor!

Yours will not rise? I am worried mine is poised to take over the world! See now I just know that was funny!

Image may contain: indoor


I made a loaf with the excess starter I had before I adjusted it and was pleasantly surprised.  It raised a loaf and had a good crust and a bit of a sourdough crumb.  The next slice in was better.  It didn't have any sourdough taste or much taste at all but I think that will come now the hydration is better.  Am optimistic :)

Your starter certainly works. That's a great loaf. I think your starter is fine. Just get the hydration to 100% and then change your feeds to 1:2:2 (a good feed to encourage a healthy starter) and you'll see it take off. On top of your original feed being too hydrated the amount of fresh flour to starter was less than 1:1 so that will add to the issue. 

When you're happy with your starter then you can look into encouraging flavour.

I have a very different starter this morning!  Thanks Abe for putting me straight.  Going to keep it out a few more days and keep feeding it then pop it in the fridge :)