Clumps of gluten


im just wondering if it’s normal to have clumps of gluten in your starter. 

Im refreshing my starter and mixing water with my starter before adding flour. It doesn’t dissolve completely and there’s lumps of what I’ve been told is gluten. 

Any ideas?

I haven't had this issue. What hydration is your starter and what is the ratio of starter to water and flour  are you using when refreshing?

Do you have photos?

I don’t have a photo, I had sent one to Someone on Instagram who confirmed it was gluten but hasn’t said whether it’s normal. 

100% I believe (I’m new to this and the percentages still confuse me sometimes) 25g startet 100 water at 30c and 100 flour. 

Its refreshed twice a day and bubbles away nicely, sometimes trebling in between feedings. 

 Well, from what you describe, that sounds like a happy starter to me.

It also sounds like you maintain quite a large amount of starter, and perhaps that is why you see some gluten. I think that most people who keep their starters out of the fridge and don't bake daily keep only a small amount going at once. This might make the total amount of gluten too small to form noticable lumps at feeding time.

Not gluten. Are the clumps in the starter before feeding or do these clumps appear straight away after feeding and mixing?