Liquid levain culture question


Hi guys and gals!

First time messing with a sourdough starter but I've done other easy preferments, not a total newbie here.

I have the Hamelman book a dear friend left in my care and I've begun his liquid levain culture. His instructions are confusing though for the day two through five feeding schedule.

I get that I will only need half of what I made today and can discard half of it. Am I supposed to discard half again the second time I feed tomorrow? That can't be right? If I am allowed to post pictures of this I will. If anyone has the book it is pages 358-359.

 I did 4.8oz whole rye, 6oz water, 1 tsp honey for day one. 330p today. His instructions for day two say feed twice 12 hours apart and then there is a table of ingredients. The first item is initial mix - half of it, trash the rest. The rest is 1.2oz whole rye, 1.2oz bread flour, 3oz water. I assume I simply do that feed twice with half the day one mix but Hamelman is unclear here.

Just want to say, before I begin, that any starter "recipe" will do for this stage. And while I will try to advise on these instructions it might not be the exact way I'd make a starter. There is no one special recipe. There are only bakers and their own techniques. 


  • 4.8 oz whole rye flour
  • 6 oz water
  • 0.2 oz honey

Total = 11 oz

Mix and let stand for 24 hours at 75° to 80°F.

[So far so good. What I would do but not with honey. In fact I'd leave it for however long until it bubbles up and then proceed onto the next feeding]


  • keep half of the first feed - 5.5 oz
  • 1.2 oz whole rye flour
  • 1.2 oz white flour
  • 3 oz water

This feed should be done twice 12 hours apart. So each time you keep 5.5 oz (discard the rest) and repeat the feed. 

[Not how I would do it. I wouldn't feed too much too soon but rather when the starter dictates it needs feeding]

Again... Keep warm! 


  • keep 5.5 oz (discard the rest)
  • 2.4 oz white flour
  • 3 oz water

Twice a day at 12 hourly intervals. So basically keep feeding this feed every 12 hours over the next few days. Keep it warm at 75° 80°F and continue this feed until it is strong and predictable even beyond day five if it needs it. 

To sum up.... 

1: you have three different types of feed. 

2: first is the initial mix which is left for 24 hours. 

3: after the initial mix, which has been left for 24 hours, you then give the second type of feed twice on the second day - 12 hours apart. 

4: you continue with the 12 hourly feeds but on day three you switch to the third feed which you'll stick to till the starter (or levain as he likes to call it) is ready.