My first real attempt at sourdough

Profile picture for user Benito

Hi everyone, still very new here.  I’ve blogged here about my making sourdough starters  and this weekend finally had the time to plan and bake with my starter for the first time.

I used the beginner sourdough recipe from The Fresh Loaf website, since I’m totally a beginner with SD.

I think it turned out pretty well and gives me some confidence it trying to bake more SD using my starters I made.

I didn’t get a great ear, I’m guessing I needed to slash more deeply and at a more acute angle.  Also I should have brushed off more of the rice flour.

All comments and helpful hints are appreciated here.  Thanks.



Ben, you are off to a GREAT start! I am totally impressed. You even managed to produce those much desired blister.

Seriously, I a super impressed...

Please post an image of your crumb.


Thank you Dan I think you are being very kind and generous.  I will certainly post the crumb once it is cut tonight with our roast chicken dinner.  I guess the blisters are there under the rice flour which I forgot to brush off.  I get all panicked once I turn the dough out of the banetton and I forget things.

I also made a lovely cherry pie for dessert.


And that's one juicy pie!   Esp. Like the double lattice.  :) yum

A looser latice lets more moisture escape.

Did real good on the loaf!  Can't wait to see the crumb.


I think I could have pulled the pie out 5 mins sooner before the filling got quite so super bubbly.

Thanks for the compliment on the loaf.

Ben.. great looking bread AND pie! Did you bake on a stone or in a dutch oven? Consider having less flour on the outside of the loaf before you bake.. you should be very happy with it. And yes, a better score will help, but the ear/bloom also comes from building up tension in how you shape and the structure you've build in the dough along the way. Keep at it.. great bake!  Also as Dan said, post a crumb shot if you can. And as Mini said, great double ribbon on the pie!

Thanks for your kind comments.  I still do need to work on my shaping skills with higher hydration doughs, it is something i will need more practice doing.

i baked in a Dutch oven, I don’t have a baking stone yet. 

Here are a couple of shots of the crumb.  I was quite happy with the flavour and texture.



And the cherry pie cut.


Ben, after seeing your pie and bread, all I can say is you are a gifted baker.

I wished it came that easy for me :D   I have been baking for decades and have worked very hard to produce results similar to yours. That pie is way out of my league.

Simply outstanding...
