Formula devolopment experiment

Profile picture for user The Roadside Pie King

Good morning, friends.

 I hope you are all well. Today, I am attempting to convert my low inoculation, commercial yeast pizza dough, to a one day bake naturally leveled formula. I added a 1hr pseudo - autolyse into the mix and swapped out the sugar in favor of diastatic malt powder. (I know lots of changes at one time,) I am not very scientific in my approach. This is also a good chance to test out my new small batch Bosch universal bowl. I will catch you on the flipside with the results.


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I hope it works out great!

Why do you say pseudo-autolyse? I suspect it's no different from the real thing. (Unless you mean that all dough "autolyses" are pseudo-autolyses because no actual autolysis takes place, or something like that.)

"Naturally leveled formula", however, may come from the natural "leveling" effect of the other product in the background of the photo. ?

Marrizoio used that term in his oat porridge bread recipe, (the current C.B.) He called it a pseudo autolyse because The starter/Levin was mixed it with the water & flour. As we both know a true autolyse would not have the Levin mixed in. The pizza came out fab! The home made Buffalo mozzarella smelled so good I neglected to get a out of the over photo! I am rusty shaping N.Y. style skins. 

Image may contain: pizza and food


Pseudo-autolyse also (and more commonly) known as a "fermentolyse" - because the levain is in there too, so it's fermenting.

PS Nice looking pizza! I wish I could get mine that round!


The formula turned out very nice. I am getting all the %'s down on paper. The main features are as follows,

90% K.A. Bread flour

5%  K.A. W.W. Flour

5%        Whole spelt

67%      hydration

Thank you to you and to Lance - I get the meaning now. Glad it was a success!

I always know that the very best recipes are the ones with no "after" photos, and a "Sorry, I ate it" apology. ?

With apologies to W. C. Fields, "A pizza dough drove me to drink and I didn't even have the decency to thank it."