Community Bake - Upcoming Details

Profile picture for user DanAyo

By next Monday (April, 22) the details will be posted for our next Communty Bake. This way everyone can be ready for the following weekend after Easter, if not before. The bread requires no special addins with the exception of rolled oats. Quaker Oats or something similar will be fine and be pcked up locally.

The featured bread will be Maurizio’s Oat Porridge Sourdough. Details concerning the bread can be found here.

For those who haven’t baked porridge type bread before, I think you will find this special. Those that have already, know how moist, tender, and tasty this bread is. I hear it keeps for a long time, but it never lasted long enough around here to prove that out.

I look forward to the fellowship of our “regulars” and sincerely hope that many newcomers join in. Novices and experts alike, everyone is welcomed.

Lets do Maurizio proud...


I have been in touch with Maurizio and expect him to drop in at some time during the bake. His willingness to help bakers the world over is outstanding.

Oh, here is a tip. Learn from my mistakes. Maurizio uses a young levain for this bread. He states, “The levain used for this bread is the same young levain I described in my last post.“

Being a “sourhead” I elected to use an acidic starter instead. IMO, it didn’t do the flavor justice. Won’t be doing that again...

and thank you for organising as always Dan.  I love a good porridge bread.......Kat

I second Kat's comment. Nice recipe for a community bake. 

Ever since I was introduced to Maurizio's baking genius, I have been hooked. At the time I had no starter, still I participated in your group baguette bake by using a minuscule amount of commercial yeast to build the necessary poolish. For a hot minute it looked to be a total fail! Turned out  a solid C+!  This time I am well prepared to follow instructions to the tee! Bring it on! Thank you Dan for organizing this community bake, and also for sharing your own knowledge and first hand experiences.