Hello All,
For a few years, I've been obsessed with achieving an open, soft, lacy crumb in a high hydration sourdough bread. In the past, I'd achieved it accidentally and fell in love. So, I embarked on a journey of trying to perfect a method that produced this result every time. Due to not having a proofer, thus having a consistent temperature for all my experiments, it took a while, but months after getting a proofer, I was able to perfect a method of getting exactly the kind of bread I wanted.
Its based on a general guideline for a bread suggested by Trevor J Wilson in his book "Open Crumb Mastery", so I won't give the formula here, but will recommend this Ebook.
But here are the results:
This bread is very tasty, as it contains about 20% whole wheat. The crust is chewy and pleasant due to the high hydration, and the perfect proof parameters make the crumb so lacy, soft and airy. This bread is good for nearly any purpose, and is easy to make.
I autolyse this bread for 8 hrs while I ferment the starter, then mix, fermenting for 3.5 hrs with a S+F every half hour. Preshape, rest 30, then shape. Proof for 3.5 hours, then bake at 475 for 20 steamed and 450 for 18 dry.
Congratulations.. your dedication shows! You should be very happy!
I just purchased the e-book. Thanks for the info on your times and temps.
No prob. The recipe I use from the Ebook is the one for Wet Dough: Creamy/Lacy comparison.
I used the time/temp for the "Lacy" version of this bread, but as my refrigerator is too cold, I had to figure out the proof time. 3.5 hours was the sweet spot.
Good luck and happy baking!