Whole Grain Sourdough Bread. 3

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Week three and bread three. Last time, i felt the structure of the dough was lacking, so I did a few more stretch and folds before shaping. To facilitate fermentation, I also did some more folds early and slightly decreased the salt. In this i was certainly right, for the first time, the dough doubled in bulk overnight and proofed very well.

Final Ingredients
   1.6 oz   Starter: 100%H Sourdough, Fed separately
   8.0 oz      Flour: Hard Red Wheat K.A.F.
   6.8 oz     Water: Cold, Filtered
  1-2  tsp      Salt: Fresh Cracked Sea Salt

Thurs.    ~21:00   Levain: Take Starter (Abuelito) out of the fridge
Friday      ~7:00                Feed Starter
              ~19:30                Feed Starter
                          Autolyse: Mix 8.0 oz Flour and 6.8 oz Water in covered bowl
Sat.         ~7:30  Ferment: Add 1.6 oz Starter, then salt, on dough, between stretch and folds. Cover
             ~20:00                  Degas, stretch and fold. Re-cover
             ~21:30                  Degas, stretch and fold. Re-cover
Sunday     7:00                  Degas, stretch and fold. Re-cover
                 7:30 Preshape: Move dough to counter, fold 4 times and place seam side down
                 7:40      Shape: Gently tighten, tucking dough underneath
                 7:45                  Place same side up in proofing basket. I line a loaf pan with damp paper towels. Cover
                 9:45                  Preheat oven, with whole Dutch Oven inside, to 450F. Uncover Loaf
               10:00                  Transfer bread, put ice cube in with it, cover, place in oven.
                               +35 minutes: Uncover. Reduce heat to 425 F.
                               +15 minutes: Remove from oven

Inoculation: ~9.6% final dough weight.        Salt: Roughly 2 b%, maybe a bit less
Ferment: 24 hours at room temp. 68 F.       Proof: 2.0 hours at room temp. Baked for 45 minutes

-----After Cutting

Like the last, this had a great flavor. It rose well and sprung decently, shaping could have been tighter though.
The extra five minutes covered seems to have helped firm the crust more, which was very crunchy once toasted.