More oven spring needed


Hi All

Ive been baking Sourdough for a few months using the tartine method but still fail to get the oven spring and finish they get, im baking in a clay oven, could this be the problem or are they OK.

here are the two I baked this morning

Crumb shot will always be welcome. It'll help to see what's going on as well.

How do you feel the dough handles? Is the gluten formation done well? Which flour are you using? Have you got the fermentation done just right? etc.

A bit more info will help.

Looks lovely from where I'm sitting.

the gluten properly, scoring and getting it into the oven heat at the right time.  For white bread you want 90-95% proof and for whole grain ones you want 80 - 85% proof.  From what I can see of your scoring you are promoting the bread to scoring sideways instead of up.  Your scores to too close to the horizontal center of the bread rather than closer to the top of it like this one.