Hello loafers i need some help so i decided to get into makinging my very own sourdough and i decided to make my own starter i have been following this guide https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sTAiDki7AQA on youtube on day one my starter has clear signs of activity bubbles and rose a bit on day 2 it went super active but it had become so active it was spilling out of the jar so i went to target and got a different jar
on day 3 there seems to be almost no signs of activity it has not risen like the day before
what should i do?
See here
Very normal! I still see some activity so for now feed 1:1:1 every 24 hours and keep warm. Should they go even more quiet then skip a feed or two till they pick up. If with the 1:1:1 feeds they gain in strength without going completely quiet then increase the feeds accordingly.
Read through the conversation where you'll find all your answers.
so i had read that post and i did like that person did and did a small feeding i simply added 20g flour and 20g water and gave it a nice stir DAY 4 seems lifeless much as you said
Just to be sure did you discard or did you just add to them? What was the weight of each starter when you added 20g each of water and flour?
i did not discard any just gave it some more food i had 70 grams of starter 50 grams of rye and 50 grams of all purpose in there along with 100 grams of water
That'd be 200g starter.
I'm confused! I think keeping two starters is uneccessary and you're keeping too much.
Don't feed them for the next day or two. Keep them warm and wait. When they wake up take 15g of each to make 30g of starter. Place in a new clean small jam jar and to that feed it 30g water + 30g flour (15g AP + 15g whole rye).
yah i made 2 as an experiment using different all purpose
Till they show signs of life. If they become more watery and begin separating then add more flour till it's thickened up. If they begin to smell then discard some and too back up. Otherwise leave them alone!
In a day or two, or even three, they should begin to show signs of life again. Bubbles will begin to appear even if they don't rise so much. Then do as discussed. You only need a small jar with enough for 90g starter and room to grow, enough to triple. Then...
Then you can start a more regular schedule for feeds but let's get over this quiet period. Keep them warm.
Your suggestion is very helpful.
thanks for the help ill take your advice for sure
they didn't seem too lively it had gotten thin and watery on top so i did as you said added some flour to thicken them up shortly after i noticed a number of bubbles on top but not the sides
Sounds good. Day 5 is normally quiet. Nothing to be concerned about. Give them another couple of days at least. What do they smell like?
I don't know if this will make a difference for you or not, but if it were me I would not lock down the jars, simply rest the lid on top... you want air flow to some extent and pressure release when needed....
Will it not spoil? I didn't quite understand the first production.