Percentage of starter/levain in 75%+ hydration dough


For my sourdough bread I use 25% starter.  Should I be using a higher percentage for a more open crumb or more oven spring?  I know there are severals other factors to a nice crumb structure but slowly I'm ruling out the rest and this is the last variable on my list. 

Also, I've experimented with making a levain in past bakes but all of my research doesn't really suggest that a levain is better that using just straight up starter. 

I should mention I usually like to bake the same day I make the dough.

Hoping to have some light shed on the subject. Thanks y'all


I'm barely past being a beginner myself, but the recipe I use is only about 10% starter (I think, I suck at even basic math, forget baker's percentages). And I also start my dough the night before baking with an all night pseudo autolyze (the salt is added in), so it's not quite what you're looking for. But the crumb and oven spring have been great, especially since I started covering it for the first 25 minutes rather than just trying to steam my oven. Hope someone else with more experience has some more input for you. 

Difference is between a six and 2 threes. Either way if you use the same % of either it's the prefermented flour that leavens up the dough. Whether it's a levain or starter is more how you maintain and use it. 

Secondly, if you wish to make a bread within a day then you're limited to using a high(er) percentage. 

Having said all that if you want an open crumb it's more to do with handling and getting that ferment timing just right. 

Have a look at Trevor Wilson's ''open crumb mastery' which will guide you through ideas and techniques for that sought after crumb.