My baguettes came out of oven discolorized!

Profile picture for user Thalia0503

So I have been using the tartine bread baguette recipe. But my baguette came out a grayish color and veri stiff and not life, it was fine when I was doing the folds and I could see the tension building, untill after I put it for its bench rest! That’s when it all went bad I think ?

what do you guys think Happened?


The things that come to mind (not being an expert) are:

Is it possible you forgot the salt?

What was your oven temperature?

What about steaming... did you remove source of steam after ~10 minutes or so?

I'm sure someone with more experience will have a more specific idea.


Tartine breads are generally really high hydration doughs.  If this is your starting point, you may be better off to start with something in the mid 60% range.  Building tension on those finds that they hold their taut skin easier than a higher hydration dough.  If this is the case, start with a lower hydration and work your way up.  As far as coloration, grey or tan, I don't have a clue.