Hello bakers and enthusiasts! I have been reading your discussions for couple of months now. This website is an excellent source of information and various views, especially relating to soughdough baking. This evening, I am going to bake a highly hydrated soughdough, following Yohan's advice. His formula includes 90% hydration with 2% starter and 24 hours fermentation period. As I am not very experienced person, I need to know what is the best way of baking it? My plan is to bake it in a iron cast le casserole at 250 C. Due to the fact that I want to make a large loaf in one go (my dough is 1000 gr flour and 900 ml water), my quiery is how long shall I bake it for, provided that it is a relatively big piece? Should the le cassarole be necessarily preheated? Or is it acceptable to add the dough in it for final proof and then put it in the preheated oven? Thanks for your your thoughts in advance!
You don't have to go up to 90% hydration, If you're going for all bread flour then 75% hydration works very well too. And watch the fermentation as when I have done the recipe often 24 hours can be too long.
Which flour are you planning on using?