

Is anybody familiar with Rublibrot and have a recipe they could share?

I discovered Rublibrot while living in Stuttgart, and I've been dreaming of having it again. 


Here's what it looks like:

Hi uberconfused,

in a german forum I found this recipe.

Do you understand the german language? If not, then I will translate it for you. ;-)



Ausgezeichnet! I read German pretty well, although could you tell me what ASG is? And purple wheat (can't tell if I'm interpreting that correctly)?

Thank you so much for the link--I'll have to try this ASAP.


Hey Rudi, finally got around to making the rublibrot and it turned out really well! Not as good as Mack's in Stuttgart, but pretty close. I substituted dinkel for the purple wheat, as that's what I had. Thanks again for your help.first time Rublibrot 

Profile picture for user rudirednose

Hi uberconfused, you make my tongue hanging out!

I think I should give the recipe a try and look for purple wheat ASAP!

happy baking!
