I made what I call Danni 6.0 bread again, this time using 1/3 ww flour rather than all KA bread flour. Bread is tasty, but crumb is less open.
This may in part be due to baking on the griddle component of the Lodge Combo Cooker, with the Dutch oven component put over it like a cloche. The bread spread out to the edge of the griddle. The sister loaf, baked in my old Dutch oven, had a little more rise. Haven't cut into it yet; it is going to be a gift.
I think I prefer more nutrition and fewer holes. Egg salad will not fall out through the holes.
This has been my experience, too. I use 100% whole wheat flour and my crumb would be pretty much the same as yours. Like you, I am prepared to forego a really open crumb in favour of the amazing flavour and nutritonal profile. I bake in a cold Dutch Oven and when I have not done anything stupid I get quite good oven spring, even though it would be more pronounced in a slighter smaller Dutch Oven.