Bread making classes in michigan? Or the midwest?


So I know Peter Reinhart has classes, as does the SFBI and KA Flour, but I live in michigan, am a student, and don't really know how to judge the value of these things. While I do think going to any of those events would be great, I don't think its feasible for me right now.

But I have an honest question for those here who have done these things. Was it worth the price? I recently heard that Zingerman's in Ann Arbor offers classes, but when I checked, a 4 hour class on french bread costs $100. A 9 hour class on sourdoughs is $250. Granted, they're probably teaching you a perfected technique, letting you take the bread you made with you, and giving you their recipe...but these classes are aimed at the average person with an interest in baking and charging $100 seems like it would discourage most people. Am I wrong and just being cheap? I have nothing really to compare it to, though some of KA's classes I saw ranged from $50 to $900 (pro).

I still don't know if I could do it, but could someone tell me if this is at least reasonable pricing for breaducation? Or is this place just holding true to its notoriously overpriced history?

I have taken probably 8 or 9 Zingermans classes over the last year and a half.  The classes are small with a maximum size of around 12. Many of the classes I have attended had only 6 or so in them. They are very much hands on, which is obviously a real advantage when it comes to bread. No book can teach what the dough should feel like.

The real strength of Zingermans ... Everyone there has a genuine passion about what they do and the quality of their products and ingredients and it comes accross in their classes.

The link to their website ...


Two summers ago I attended a 5 day Artisan Bread Baking class at the North House Folk School n Grand Marais, MN, on the shores of Lake Superior.  They bread was baked in a wood fired brick oven (you can also take a class in how to build the oven) that overlooks the lake.  Small class (8 people), knowledgeable young baker (David Bauer), reasonable cost (I'm thinking around $250 but don't quote me).

Check out their website and see what classes they are offering this year (they vary) and if you're interested, sign up immediately because they fill up fast.  They are tons of other classes on all types of topics - from baking to yurt making, too many to list.

 Good luck and have fun.

Take a look at Macomb community college, they have a culinary school, and there're a few bread and pastry classes.  My impression was you don't have to be enrolled full-time to take a class.

While I am no expert, if anyone would be interested in getting together to try new techniques or recipes, I have a decent sized kitchen (but only one oven).  I am in the Ann Arbor/Ypsi area.  I have been baking bread for about 20 years and sourdough for about 6 or 8.

One of my hopeful projects for this summer or next is an adobe oven.  Unfortunately, for the first time in my life, I am living in an area with sandy soil, so I'll have to truck the clay in from a different area!

It doesn't look like we can send private messages to each other, so if you are in the area and are interested in getting together, post a response and we'll go from there.
