Red Bell Pepper Sourdough


I'm trying to get the following formula to look as nice as one my plain sourdough loaves.  I'm not opposed to adding yeast so I'm going to try it next.  The problem I'm having is developing gluten.

I try to stretch and fold but it's a no go. 

I also tried mixing for about 10 minutes and that didn't help

Originally it was 50 less water.

The loaf is very dense, not as voluminous as another loaf with same with weight with no inclusions.

Should I increase the levain?

Add gluten Powder?  If So what %?  In relation to what, the puree? the Flour?

Many thanks




800 Bread Flour

150 wheat flour

50 almond flour

400 Roasted red Bell pepper puree

350 water (from soaking sundried tomatoes)

30 salt

200 levain (50/50)

200 sundried tomatoes soaked in water

35 minced garlic

3 cayenne

10 paprike

10 sherry vinegar

Walk us through your process, please.  That will give some perspective. 

If I assume that the pepper purée and the rehydrated tomatoes are each about 80% water (they could be more than that), this bread has a lot of liquid in it.  400x0.8+350+200x0.5+200x0.8+15= 945g of "water".  That's against 950g of flour (I'm not including the almond flour, since it won't be nearly as absorptive).

The peppers, tomatoes, garlic, and almond flour will all make the bread heavier than a bread that doesn't contain those same ingredients.  If I were going to make an adjustment, I'd start by dropping the pepper purée.  If that helps the texture, my next step would be to chop and sautee some peppers as an add-in to regain the flavor without adding so much water.  An alternate approach would be to dial back the water substantially while leaving the other ingredients alone. 

Lots of possibilities.  And lots of experimentation to figure things out.  
