Bread Categories

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I’d like to make a list of bread categories, or maybe what I mean is dough categories. Not bread types, that would take an entire book. For example: basic white, basic whole grain, enriched breads, flatbreads, etc. How would you (yes, you) categorize bread?

Flat, straight, sourdough, hybrid, enriched. Subcategories are probably near infinite. 


White/grain mix

Whole grain pure

Whole grain mix

Starter bread in two categories. sponge, biga, poolish. And a separate Sourdough 

Any wild yeast bread that isn't sourdough

Long fermented breads that are not sourdough. Like no knead refrigerator bread recipes. 

Quick breads. 

Other breads, polenta, pasta, pretzels and the like.  

Good luck. There's bread out there that can go into more than one category. Even these categories would have to branch or share space with others. I guess the easiest way would be to start with the main flour type. Then within that grain the technique used to prepare or make it rise. Because each grain can be enriched, sweet or added to.