hero loaf help please


Ello all:)


Glad to be back!


I need some help. I am in search of a easy (preferably)100% whole wheat hero roll recipe. I am wanting to make sandwhiches at home rather than always buying from subway:)






hi Matt, see if this works for you.

this makes about 12 @200 grams each.

900 grams whole wheat 

350 grams sir Lancelot (you can substitute any other white if you like)

15 grams instant dry yeast

22 grams regular table salt

925 grams water 

100 grams sourdough starter(you can omit if you don't have)

mix all ingredients together into a shaggy ball, let sit for an hr or so then stretch and fold, let sit again for another hour or so another stretch and fold and then into the fridge overnight. Next day portion and gently    pre-shape(you dont want to tighten these up until final shape), I usually portion out at 200 grams or so.

let them sit for an hr or two in the fridge to relax then take them out and let them warm up for 10-15 minutes(makes final shaping a lot easier). shape Into mini baguettes and then let them final proof then into a 425f oven until done(around 205f internal). Final proof will vary based on your environment.

I don’t steam but you can if you want.

i also do a 50/50 semolina version in case you want to try that

625 sir Lancelot (i've done this with K/A AP as well as K/A special patent) I prefer sir Lancelot these days.

625 fine semolina flour(I use sperry extra fancy)

22 grams table salt

15 grams instant dry yeast

100 grams sourdough starter 

875 grams water

then follow same directions for proofing/shaping, etc.

some pics of yesterdays bake with both semolina and whole wheat.


hope this helps. 

Happy Holidays.




I am so sorry that i am this late. My phone has been acting funny and so has my gmail account. 


That is exactly what im looking for. I LOVE sandwhiches and if i can make them for good price and healthy, me be happy haha. 


Thank you much and merry christmas