Rustic Bread from Jeffrey Hamelman's Bread: A Baker's Book of Techniques and Recipes

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Weekend bake Rustic Bread: 12/16/17 - 7:00A.M.

 This is a lean bread recipe, that uses a preferment. Using a preferment, maximizes flavor, the long ferment also minimizes the amount of yeast needed.

Step #1 The preferment flour and water are mixed together and allowed to rest for 15 min. 

Step #2 The salt and yeast are added into the flour and water. The preferment dough is kneaded a few times to combine all the ingredients.

Step #3 After 10 hours the preferment has expanded nicely. 

Step #4 The final dough flour (, 10oz. bread, 3oz. spelt and 3 oz. rye) are combined and rested for 20 min. after which the remainder of the final dough ingredients are added in.  

Step #5 The preferment is cut into small pieces and ready to add into the final dough.

Step #6 After 15 minutes of vigorous kneading by hand, a nice elastic dough is achieved.

Step #7 The final dough is placed into the oiled fermenting container for the bulk ferment.

Step #8  After 2 hours of bulk ferment and two letter folds. the dough is ready to divide and pre shape.

Step #8 The risen dough is gently cut into two 778 gram pieces. Both pieces are shaped into balls with the skin pulled tight.

Step #9 The pre- shaped dough is left to rest for 20 minutes.

Step # 10 The relaxed pre-shaped balls are gently rolled into their final torpedo shapes, covered and set to proof.

Step # 11 The loaves were slashed, albeit poorly, the tops egg washed. Then they were placed in the preheated oven. 

The Roadside Pie King