Hey guys! So I've had a problem for a bit now, and would like to know what you think is the culprit. As you can see in the picture above, half of the crumb is open, and the other half is closed. I have some Idea of what might cause this. One might be that the loaf is undeproofed. However, I'm more inclined to think that it might be a shaping issue. Whenever I shape batards, I roll the dough underneath itself with my thumbs a few times to make the seam. This, as opposed to the more traditional(?) way of sealing the seam with the heel of the hand. Here is my recipe/ procedure:
Bob's Red Mill AP - 100%
Water - 80%
Salt - 2%
Mature Starter - 12%
Autolyse - 1h
Mix - Slap and Fold - 15min
Bulk Ferment - 4h
Bulk Retard - 22h
Pre-shape rest - 20min
Proof - 20min @RT then went to the freezer for 1h (RT here is 82F)
Any clues or pointers are welcome!
Don't tell me what's in the picture is the problem. I'd happily take that off your hands :)
Looks fantastic.
Thanks Lechem! I just need a little more symmetry, that's all. :D
It's very interesting to look at. I'd experiment with different shaping methods. There are many that give great results. Just check the available books and videos and see which one you like that renders better results.
That's a good idea. Now that you mention that, I think I'll shape my next loaf as a boule. If I get the same result I'll know for sure that it was not a shaping issue.
I didn’t mean a different shape, But rather a different method of shaping the same shape. But yes, by all means try other shapes. One suspicion I have is that you are using more pressure with one hand.
try turning your bread 180. looks liike you got alot of spring maybe one side is much hotter the back or the front.
I asked a baker friend and he suggested the same thing you did. I'll try it as soon as I can.