Hi all,
I started a new 50/50 APW and Rye starter about 15 days ago. I think I’ve got it to a pretty strong stage where it can double in size in about 8 hours. I need to refrigerate it now as I have to go away for work.
Should I feed it one last time and wait until it doubles and place in the fridge or refrigerate it straight after a feed? It would make sense to me to feed it then refrigerate so the yeast can slowly consume the fresh flour over the week until I feed it. However I have seen people recommend refrigerating it after it has doubled. What’s the general consesus on here ?
Thanks in advance
and then tuck into the refrigerator. Doubling would be too far along. When you return, bring it back up to room temp and check the advancement of the fermentation before deciding to feed again but it should be just fine.
I might cut back on the water a wee bit and make it thicker too, more like a dough. I should keep for at least a week if not two nice and comfy covered in the fridge.
Ok great that’s what I’ll do! Thanks for the quick reply.
Sorry just following on from this, on each weekly or fornightly refeed would you take th starter out, let it warm up for a couple hours, do the refeed as normal and then let it grow 1/3 again before putting it back in the fridge?
Take a look at this link. I think you’ll enjoy it.
It changed my bread baker’s life. Save your starter for months in the refrigerator.
Thanks Dan that’s really cool.