So, I’m brand new to bread baking; it all started couple of months ago when a wet sticky pizza dough defeated me. It was the first time really trying anything with dough and I threw half out. The problem was, the half we ate was amazing! I tend to be obsessive about researching and trying new things so I googled and youtubed for days and tried pizza again. It was even better. Many pizzas later, the dough is now up to fifty percent whole wheat and actually able to be tossed while shaping.
This toppings are based on a stone fired oven pizza truck on Maui called a White Cheddar MUshroom Pizza.
- Oil edge of crust with rosemary oil;
- Spread garlic aioli sauce over dough;
- Cheese dough with mozzarella, Romano, white cheddar and Parmesan cheese;
- Cover with Cremini mushrooms slices; and,
- Sprinkle with truffle salt.
Many, many baguettes later, I find it surprising how you learn something every time. It seems like you fix your last problem and find a new one to solve. Lots of fun. Eventually, I got around to trying Peter Reinhart’s Struan (whole grain).
I used eight different grains including cooked brown rice, bulgur, stone-rolled oats and pumpernickel meal. Coincidentally, I decided to give up on the mixer and learn how the dough feels. Good thing, that dough needed a lot of extra flour to keep up with the added moisture. How satisfying, it was probably one of the best breads I’ve had in a long time.
Next was the Wild Rice (brown rice) and Onion. I seriously doubted that the original oniony, ricey glob would turn into anything conventional looking. But it was awesome. With the cooked rice and raw onion; again, lots of additional flour was needed.
Lots of failures so far, I’ve made my own starter but my pumpernickel was a mess. This is a great forum and has really helped with my obsessive research.
Thanks for the help!
Your whole grain struan looks great. I am a fan of Peter Reinhart, and have made many of his recipes, but not the straun.
Agreed. His timing seems to work perfect for me.