Increasing flour for wholemeal

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I have a bread recipe I am very happy with, shown below, but want to add some wholemeal flour in.  Am thinking of replacing the 'bread flour 14%' with a wholemeal version, same strength.  I have read that you use 3/4 of the amount of wholemeal to the amount of white flour you would use.  Do I need to increase the recipe to make up for the loss of the extra flour or does the wholemeal flour expand in some way.  I kind of know that's a stupid question but am a bit stumped with this one.

* 250g total flour *

87g bread flour 14% (35)

163g all purpose flour 12% (65)

1 tsp 8g salt (3.2)

7g yeast (2.8) - add 9g if putting in the fridge to try

57g warm water (22.8)

108g warm milk (43.2)

17g butter (6.8)

Answering my own post now lol

I have reduced the wholemeal in the recipe and worked it out to a total flour of 228g.  I readjusted the % of all ingredients and then resized it back up so the total flour was 250g again.  Not sure if that is right or not.

228g total flour

65g wholemeal bread flour 14% (29)
163g all purpose flour 12% (71)
1 tsp 8g salt (3.5)
7g yeast (3.1) 
57g warm water (25)
108g warm milk (47.4)
17g butter (7.5)


250g total flour

72g wholemeal bread flour 14% (29)
177g all purpose flour 12% (71)
9g salt (3.5)
8g yeast (3.1)
63g warm water (25)
119g warm milk (47.4)
19g butter (7.5)

I think I know what you mean or the purpose of reducing the amount when swapping flour. 

Wholemeal drinks up more water than white flour. Therefore someone has advised to drop the amount of flour instead of a straight swap. 

However you aren't substituting a great amount and I don't think you'll feel much difference. And the problem with reducing the flour instead of keeping the same amount of flour and adjusting the water is that it'll throw everything else off as everything is in percentage to the flour. 

I'm in favour of doing a straight swap. Just use the same amount of wholemeal instead of the bread flour. I'm thinking you won't need to adjust anything else. However just in case keep a little extra water to one side and slowly add it in if you think it needs it. Stop when the dough feels right. 

Much simpler and I think better way to approach this. 


* 250g total flour *

87g bread wholemeal flour 14% (35)

163g all purpose flour 12% (65)

1 tsp 8g salt (3.2)

7g yeast (2.8) - add 9g if putting in the fridge to try

57g warm water (22.8) [plus extra and add a little at a time when forming the dough till if feels right]

108g warm milk (43.2)

17g butter (6.8)