Hello, I have been lurking for a long time here and decided to try to add to the collective knowledge as well as possibly gain some as well.
I typed every thing up in Imgur and will link there. Ill talk a bit more about my baking experience here and hope the comments come here as well.
Link to story: https://imgur.com/a/2xVjM
I have been baking since January 2017 and am obsessed. I currently back about 10-25 loaves a week and am looking at a myriad of ways to expand. Currently I eat 5 loaves (this is rough as some gets shared with friends and family as they come over but I would say my family of 3 total eats about 3 loaves a week), trade some, and give the rest away with no expectation of money although people seem to feel guilty for getting something for free so I have added a donation clause of what ever they think the loaf is worth. Its a clause in progress.
An interesting note is that I bake at over 7000 feet and luckily am unaware of what baking is like at any other altitude.
Any one have any good info on baking with a commercial convection oven? I have recently been invited to use one and am totally clueless on how make bread turn out well in one as I am using only dutch ovens at home.
I would love to talk about any thing bread here and am open to questions and learning!