Just wanted to share what I thought was a disaster...I have been perfecting my white sandwich loaf and all has been going well. Today I thought I would change the way I shape my loaf. So made my dough 500g flour 2.25 yeast 1.5 salt 300 ml milk 2 tbl sp honey. All went great rise 40 mins shape into ball and roll into log rise again 35 min. Put in the oven pre heated 200 turn down 180. Cook 35 min. Now looked in halfway 18 min. And noticed loaf had risen magnificently but bit loped sided so opened oven to turn the tin and realised oven door hadn't closed and had turned its self off. So it had pre heated to 200 and bread had been sitting there with oven loosing heat for 18 mins....I shut the door properly and let it finish it's time the heat slowly made its way up to 180 again and I cooked it an extra 9 mins and yeeehawwww!!! I got this....This is a great recipe you can't kill it...
Very lovely loaf! There is usually a fix for bread if you don't panic.
i had nothing to loose so yes keep calm and carry on...lol
Thanks for sharing, and good for you! marybeth
to kill it off at every turn:-) Sometimes we succeed at doing so spectacularly. Sometime we are surprised we couldn't do it! The bread looks great and have a great 4th weekend. That bread would be perfect with some ribs, chicken and sausage on the grill
What a grand feeling when you've got a recipe (and your attitude!) to the point where what could have been a "disaster" for anyone else is just a minor blip on the way to a grand result!
Thanks for sharing, and keep baking happy!
Thank you guys and gals for the lovely comments, for all those that celebrate 4th July have a great one....