Hello, everyone.
We are looking to add a deck oven to our new bakery location, HOWEVER...
We are purchasing an existing bakery /cafe that has LOW bread and pastry production [in a double-deck electric convection oven!]. There is no natural gas available to this location, and Propane is EXTREMELY high priced [our current use would be $1600/mo]. There is no three-phase electric, either, although it IS available for a cost.
At our current location we have a natural-gas 20 pan rotary oven. Very cheap to run [about $12.00/day]. So we've been spoiled with this.
Even at our current location, however, we find, however, that we need about "30 pan" equivalent of room. After we move, we anticipate about the same load, perhaps as much as 20% higher.
So, the question is, what alternatives should we look at, putting us in a 30-35 pan equivalent deck oven? Anyone have experience with wood or wood pellet? Diesel?
We do mostly what some what some call eastern European style breads, pastries, and specialties.
This is really a question for the Bread Baker's Guild of America forum...it does require a membership to participate, but my experience as so far been well worth the $85/yr...