Beginners Tweaking...

Profile picture for user macette

Have just tried a small amount of tweaking on my sandwich loaf....I have been using the same basic recipe for awhile with sucesss but decided to change a couple of worked a treat I think it is an improvement and am delighted so in case it never happens again I decide to show it my little tweaks were using all milk as the liquid instead of water and using honey instead of sugar and 1/4 tsp extra yeast. I got the best result ever...the real test will be the next loaf....

As I said this may never happen    but I will try again Thursday and see what happens...fingers crossed.


I hope so, but I think the gods were with me for this but I will try to repeat it, enjoying the journey....:-)

it is always a great feeling when it all comes together as it has done here! Well done and many more successes!


Yes, the bread gods were kind on that one! And your skill helped as well. :) It's good to take pictures of these ones and post them so you can look back and be proud!

Profile picture for user cgmeyer2

beautiful yummy looking loaf of bread. great job.

i use honey, molasses or maple syrup instead of sugar in my breads also.


Thank you Lazy loafer and is round 2 to see if I can repeat it...the dough is doing her first rise as we speak, I am trying to doing everything the same as I did the first time. Fingers crossed, hoping the bread gods will be kind...I will report

The stars have aligned and the gods smiled...yayyyyy! it worked again...I am trying to decide what has improved my basic recipe . 1. The honey instead of sugar has improved the crust. 2. Timing the second proof within minutes has helped. I also think improving my bread shaping for the final proof has played a part, I will play with that a bit. But all in all I'm very happy with my general purpose twice a week loaf. And it makes great toast. So now I would like to try raisin bread again my first try was a raw Center . I have seen people adding the fruit in the beginning and some adding it after first proof. I now know I have to cook it for longer than white bread. :-)

So very kind of you, the encouragement  given on this forum is really amazing and just makes you want to keep baking. It's much appreciated...

Profile picture for user Danni3ll3

Starting to think that the stars don't have much to do with it and that your skills have everything to do with it! Well done!

I am so pleased, as a new baker I'm quite convinced can't  put it all down to skills yet. But loving it....Wish husband could eat more bread so I could bake more