shaping pain rustique

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just a quick query. Are there any advantages to even pre-shaping a pain rustique and putting it into a banneton for proofing? Im following the Hamelman recipe which is great but weekend bakery have a hybrid version (uses sourdough as well) @ which is based on same recipe and they do quick shape and banneton and get lovely looking loaves with good crumb...any advice out there?

I made a loaf yesterday a did a pre-shape using the SFBI method which is my preferred method @ and is rather like trewvor wilsons method on guess im just wondering what the advantages are....better structure? more formal shape? better aeration? 

thanks in advance

is what I got when I started doing a preshape. It also knocks out all the large bubbles and you don't end up with huge caverns. I used to be super gentle when shaping, but no more. I give it a good stretch before pulling the dough to the middle. Hope this helps!

Thanks danni I'm with you I'm not so concerned with holey bread more with good aeration. Does that mean you do pre shape and shape or just a quick tightening and in to banneton for final rise? 

That's what I did I guess it's just with pain rustique I was just wondering if people did shape it as traditionally it's more like a ciabatta and not shaped at all....with my sourdoughs I do both and sandwich loaves I just tightly roll and prod in tins...