Hallo! :-)
Is there anybody on here in the UK with a supply of lye they would consider selling me a bit of?
I am after proper food grade lye not lab grade or technical grade.
I have found some for sale from German delis but (perhaps stupidly) I am a bit loathe to pay €16 postage on top of the product cost.
many thanks!
I bought my lye through [url=https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_i_7_3?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=lye+food+grade&sprefix=lye%2Caps%2C452&crid=1X5WMUGSE7A2I]Ama…]. I imagine Amazon UK will will have a similar product/affiliate merchant.
Shipping may still be high as it is classified a hazardous material.