Gluten-free diet carries increased obesity risk, warn experts

Profile picture for user RoundhayBaker
I haven't managed to get hold of the research paper yet, but, for once, this appears to be a decent study with a large sample size. Any thoughts?

I personally think there are real issues, obviously including celiac disease, but perhaps beyond that, involving gluten.  Fine...let's understand them and how best to deal with them...letting the evidence guide us.  However, I think MUCH of the current wheat belly, anti-gluten fad is just that, and is driven largely by psychological factors (which do cause real physical I don't want to dismiss them as "all in your head").  The mind is a really, really, powerful thing, and if you are convinced that gluten is a problem, it will be a problem with real effects that confirm it is a problem for you, and that is a trap that is hard to get out of.

And so while this finding is not what I expected, it isn't a big surprise, as people put themselves through additional stress of trying to work through the dietary and other challenges they struggle with...they put themselves at risk for things like this...

I was selling bread yesterday, and a number of people came by my stand and the longer in their eyes was pretty incredible, as they told me how much they miss good bread, but "can't" eat it.