Oven spring / proof / bulk issues


Hey everyone,

I've been baking for about a year now and an issue I have been having recently is that my bread doesn't seem to have much vertical spring in the oven - it looks like it expands more horizontally, as you can see from the image on the right. Also, weirdly, it looks like some of the air escapes from the center of the bread and gets trapped just below the surface (see left). This doesn't always happen when I bake - sometimes my loaves look great. But when there are issues with my bread this is how they turn out more often than not. Still edible, but not the texture, look or airiness that I am going for.

For this loaf I used 100% local high extraction flour and 80% hydration. I gave it a 1.5 hr autolyse without leavain, another 15 minutes with leavain (15% leavain), then added my salt and reserved water. I mixed for about 5-10 minutes, then set it aside to bulk. I gave it a set of stretch and folds every 30 minutes for 2 hours then set it aside to finish bulking. Total bulk time was ~4.5 hrs. I gave the dough a half hour bench rest after pre-shaping, then shaped one boule and one batard (the batard is pictured, but the boule has the same issues). I proofed overnight in the fridge for about 10-11 hours and baked in a dutch oven.

I'd appreciate any advice you can give on how to improve my bread. I felt like I had the right textures while I was mixing - I got a decent window pane around my second stretch and fold. I had to take a work call last night so I bulked a little longer than I would have otherwise, but I have been having this problem a bunch so I can't really blame that. Appreciate the advice!



(P.S. please excuse any typos. I spaced out this morning and grabbed the dutch oven without mitts on so typing is a bit painful!)