This was my attempt at baguettes and barms . I used the basic white loaf with a poolish from fwsy. I know the baguettes don't look great, but I'm quite proud of them. I really need to get better at scoring my loaves. Other than that I love my new hobby.
- stu currie's Blog
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It isn't so much how they look as how they taste - fixing how they look is way easier than fixing the taste. Well done and happy baking .
Thanks. I've been baking bread for a couple of months, but I found it difficult to get a full loaf eaten before it went stale. So I thought I would try smaller batches.
in one day if you don't put in a while batch of chemicals that commercial bakers use to keep it fresh. Better to bake SD bread which will stay fresh much longer.
to give yourself more time to eat it. I freeze most of the loaves I bake for home consumption, including both yeasted and SD. More specifically, I freeze half, usually as one piece, but slicing it first is fine too.
Giving bread to neighbors, friends, etc. is another way to go through loaves faster than just eating them yourself, and thus to give yourself more practice. Don't worry if your loaves aren't perfect; most people's standards for bread aren't much higher than the fluffy white pre-sliced stuff they usually eat. If you want to see how a loaf turned out inside before giving it away, you can also slice it in two and give away half. Again, put yourself in the recipient's shoes; I never had anyone object in the slightest.
The real test is in the taste. I'm sure the appearance will get better but it doesn't matter that much as long as the taste is good.
Give it time the more you do it the better the results! Post more bakes "stu Currie" !! Looking good so far