Raisin yeast water recipes


I've cultivated my raisin water starter and I've used it to make the Japanese White Sandwich Loaf I found here on TFL. I was just wondering if anyone knew of any other good recipes I could try that utilize raisin water.

Convert it to a yeast water starter and allow for different timings. 

For example... If a sourdough recipe asks for 100g starter at 100% hydration then make a preferment with your raisin yeast water by mixing 50g YW + 50g flour. Allow that to mature then follow the recipe. Bearing in mind that it will need warmer temperatures and may take longer. 

a YW levain for the yeast, poolish, biga or SD or you can do a combo bread with two or three of them as well.  If you check my blog index you will find many to choose from but any recipe can be converted or just type YW or yeast water inti the search box.  Japanese sandwich bread was my first YW bread too but have now made many of all different kinds!

Happy YW baking