Do I need to steam?

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I use the wet towels in a pan method when I bake 2-3 loaves at a time.  But when I bake one loaf at a time I just cover the loaf with a stainless steel bowl.  It's easy, safe and cheap.  Here's a picture of some sweet potato I made.  No added steam, just a cover.Sweet Potato Sourdough

Your method of baking provides steam, either with addition using the wet towels or through capture using a cover. If the crust meets your standards and there are no blow-outs beyond the score marks, I'd say your technique is working well.

With a bowl would do absolutely nothing since the steam can't get to the loaf. You can either do one or the other to get the beautiful breads you are picturing here. Using a cover is easier and you have a bit lesser chance of getting burned by steam. 

stainless steel mixing bowl.  It works as good as a Dutch oven and the bowl weighs nothing ....making putting it on and taking it off a breeze compared to  DO or Combo Cooker.  It is my favoroite wayu to bake bread by far.

Happy baking