Seeded SD from 86% extraction whole grain wheat flour

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Just want to share the result of one of the experiments I have recently done.

I was testing what kind of bread I get if I take 1000g of wheat grains and mill them and then sift out only the bran. I got about 86% extraction flour. Recipe was simple: 15% mature levain from same flour, 2.5 hour BF with S&F every 30 minutes, dough temp 28dC, , divide, preshape, 30 minutes bench rest, final shape and immediate retard, baking after 8 hours direct from fridge. Seeds: crushed flax and sesame added one hour in BF,  85% hydration.

I was very pleased with result. The crumb was extremely well opened, oven spring and bloom were great for this kind of flour and the bread was really tasty. The flour was milled few hours before mixing the dough.

Happy baking,



It is also one of my favorites and a good choice for those who don't like whole grain breads for what ever reason  It is like a cross between whole grain and white bread!

 Very well done and hapy baking 

Nice crust and crumb. Those who don't love the rough texture of whole grain breads will surely love this one.