joc1954's blog

Gluten Free Pizza

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Recently I made this gluten free pizza for my younger daughter who has intolerance for the gluten and also should not eat cheese. Hence the pizza was made without cheese what is quite unusual, but it was generously topped with grilled vegetables.

Here is a video about preparation.

Happy baking, Joze

50% Wholewheat Community Bake - Joze's version

Profile picture for user joc1954

Many people wanted to get details how to make the bread with translucent alveoli walls which I have published in the community bake 50% wholewheat thread. So I promised to make notes about the process. However, this bread was not made with sourdough starter but rather with tomato and basil yeast water.

For those who don't like to read too much here are the major differences to what most of people usually do:

Dark Red Wine Bread

Profile picture for user joc1954

I was tempted for a long time to make a bred with dark red wine which we produce in Slovenia. This bread is my second attempt to make this kind of bread.

Here are the instructions for those who would like to make bread with red wine:

1.) Take a recipe for the bread you think you would like to "convert" to wine bread. No changes in the procedure.

Tartine style bread - slightly amended recipe

Profile picture for user joc1954

In last months I was experimenting quite a lot with fermentation process. This bread is the result of latest experiment where I am testing the procedure how to get really well open crumb. Basically this is the amended Tartine country loaf recipe which starts with the true autolyse (just flour+water) for several hours, continues with adding starter, one hour resting period, adding salt plus additional water (double hydration), followed by at least 6-8 stretch & folds at about 30 minutes intervals during the bulk fermentation.

50% whole-grain spelt bread

Profile picture for user joc1954

This is a 50% whole-grain spelt bread, the rest of flour is T500 (strong white flour).

The dough was hand mixed with 4 hour long autolyse, then starter was mixed in and the gluten was developed with scoop & stretch method. Salt added after about 30 minutes and a bit of additional  scoop & stretch for about two minutes and then stretch & folds every 45 minutes for first 3 hours of BF.


100% buckwheat GF bread leavened with yeast water

Profile picture for user joc1954

This is an improved version of my gluten free 100% buckwheat bread leavened with yeast water. The recipe was tested many times from different enthusiasts and always gave a very good result. It might happen that you will not get so open crumb in first attempt, but the bread will still be tasty and soft like a cake as it contains no gluten. 

You can use any active yeast water.

Barley - Rye Bread

Profile picture for user joc1954

This is a very tasty bread with 30% of barley flour, 30% of rye flour and 40% strong bread flour.


1.) Prepare 20% of leaven at 100% hydration (could be with white flour or rye flour)

2.) Mix all ingredients flour+water+leaven +2% of salt  (no autolyse) and develop the gluten right away after you mix on low speed for about 3 minutes.

3.) Do series of S&F in 30-45 minutes intervals.

4.) The bread on the picture was cold retarded for 20 hours.

Bake as you normally bake your breads, nothibg special required.


Gluten Free Multigrain Bread

Profile picture for user joc1954

I baked this bread for my daughter. She is suffering from gluten intolerance problems.

The mix of GF flours is like this:


20% buckwheat bread

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This bread contains 20% of buckwheat flour and 80% of strong bread flour (in my case it was Italian Costa d'Amalfi).


Hydration about 75% and cold retarded.