Looking for a Vimeo!


Well gee.  It worked for _vk; maybe I'll have luck. 

I watched a video - on Vimeo I think - when I first started bread baking. I stumbled on it somehow or another and  haven't been able to find it again. It is a young woman who bakes for sale using a wood fired oven in the hills of France. It is the her day from early morning preparing the dough in a trough right through the bake. 

Does that sound familiar to anyone?

Yes, your borrowed strategy will be paying dividends : https://vimeo.com/34325967

Sadly, this delightful video serves as but a reminder of what looked like a great bakery, now closed as far as my research tells me. Luckily, someone had the fortuitous forethought to capture this woman's work on camera and the generosity to share it with us.

It was called the "Boulangerie de l'écové". Enjoy !

I can't tell you how much time I have spent looking for it again off and on.  

"Delightful" is a perfect descriptor.   The video leaves quite an impression. 

I look forward to watching It again.