This Morning's Bake - Bagels

Profile picture for user JamieOF

I love Montreal bagels. The texture, the flavour and the rough "rustic" look of the professional product is unmatched in the bagel world IMHO. I've been experimenting and I have the flavour decent, but they rise too much and while I've been told they are VERY good, some say excellent, they aren't what I'm striving to get.

Here is this morning's result, destined for the fine folks who work in the office of the college where I am teaching. 

This dough was 62.5% hydration and I always use the same flour (Robin Hood AP) but they rose too much, and I had trouble getting the ends to join, even with a little water.

Another thing that was interesting this morning is the colour of the last 3 I boiled (poppy seeds only), they're significantly darker, and were like that when removed from the solution.

Now, on the good side, this dough and process look like they will be absolutely stupendous for pretzels.


I bet the staff looks forward to your 'practice' bakes. These look as though they have some "chew" to them - yea! Most of our west coast bagels are big and fluffy - workable to hold sandwich fixin's, but less than satisfying as a bagel.

Thanks for sharing!


I had a Montréal bagel for breakfast today, though not homemade. Still, love em.

one would be a fair stand in:-)  These look awful good to me.  Both styles came to N America by way of Jewish Polish bakers.  The Montreal bakers just came from the wrong part of Poland is all. so Montreal got stuck with the inferior bagels - but not horribly!  It was just the luck of the draw.

Well done and happy baking